International Desk

Establishing a Legal Entity, Affiliates or Agencies

We provide ongoing support to foreign investors in establishing a legal entity and up to its launch. Based on our extensive experience, a clear-cut timeline is set so that the entity’s business plan can put to run smoothly.

AC has a permanent team of lawyers and tax experts that are more than capable of describing all the background information /documentation that may be needed from the origin country, all that with the required apostille as, may be required.

  • Incorporating a legal entity in Peru (prior Tax advisory).

  • Starting out economic activities with the Peruvian tax regulator (SUNAT).

  • Preparing and enabling a electronic invoice to be issued locally and for export purposes.

  • Providing support for establishment of a checking account.

We have clients with head offices in Spain, Italy, Brazil, Chile, Honduras, Colombia, among others. We are a local organization with global knowledge and reach and with more than 10 years of experience in providing professional services and permanent interest to be one step ahead of all regulatory and technological changes, which is best evidence of our commitment to serving all our clients.

Back Office financial support

AC places stable administrative personnel at your service to be in charge of coordinating receipt of information/documentation from customers, suppliers, and employees. Also, they can be assigned to perform billing, and treasury duties while the entity settles in Peru and sets up its own administrative team that will later on take on those duties initially commissioned to the AC Back-Office support team.

  • Billing to customers.

  • Control of treasury, payment to suppliers and employees.
  • Coordinating with head office to resolve doubts and delivery of financial reports.
ack-office support is provided by professionals with specific experience in those duties, who are able to assist clients both in Spanish and English to become the Head Office’s administrative arm in Peru.

Legal domicile

Legal domicile is the legal address or place of business that a legal entity in Peru should register with the Peruvian Tax Administration (SUNAT) and where physical official notifications, letters and messages addressed to a legal entity should be sent. AC can provide you with a legal a tax domicile and support clients with paperwork and filings with municipalities and other governmental agencies, as required for legal entities to operate in Peru:
  • Verifying the legal domicile with the Peruvian Tax Administration (SUNAT).
  • Paperwork required for an entity to obtain permits and licenses from municipalities and other governmental oversight agencies.
AC’s tax department will be the representative of a legal entity with the Chilean local tax administration and municipalities for the required paperwork process to be completed within the due date established by the Chilean laws and regulations.

Legal Representative

The legal representative of a legal entity is a critical function in establishing / incorporating a legal entity in Peru, and it is particularly critical over the first months of operation because legal representatives act on behalf of the entity with financial institutions, governmental agencies, notary-publics, granting and revoking powers of attorney, contracting personnel, suppliers, among other core duties.
It is mandatory requirement in Peru that the legal representative be a legal resident in Peru and shows an effective local ID, (Documento nacional de identidad) to be entitled to carry out entity incorporation paperwork and establishment of a bank checking account.
  • Permanent or temporary legal representative.
  • Special contract for legal representatives with clear-cut limitations.

Make the decision to grow, right now

Do not leave your major business areas unprotected, our team of specialists will always exceed your expectations.

Both our local and international teams have one core mission: providing services that meet specific needs of our clients and maximize their return on investment in the process”

Morgan Alvarez
CEO & Founder Partner

At AC Globally Connected we obtain an in-depth-understanding of the business objectives of our clients and walk the extra mile to provide them with the assistance they need to overcome their own challenges with global best practices and practical solutions.

Contact us

Address: Tomas Ramsey 930 Oficica 803 Edificio Empresarial Soho+, Magdalena del Mar, Lima, Perú.
Telephone: +51 1 940405406
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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